// // AsyncUdpSocket.h // // This class is in the public domain. // Originally created by Robbie Hanson on Wed Oct 01 2008. // Updated and maintained by Deusty Designs and the Mac development community. // // http://code.google.com/p/cocoaasyncsocket/ // #import @class AsyncSendPacket; @class AsyncReceivePacket; extern NSString *const AsyncUdpSocketException; extern NSString *const AsyncUdpSocketErrorDomain; typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, AsyncUdpSocketError) { AsyncUdpSocketCFSocketError = kCFSocketError, // From CFSocketError enum AsyncUdpSocketNoError = 0, // Never used AsyncUdpSocketBadParameter, // Used if given a bad parameter (such as an improper address) AsyncUdpSocketIPv4Unavailable, // Used if you bind/connect using IPv6 only AsyncUdpSocketIPv6Unavailable, // Used if you bind/connect using IPv4 only (or iPhone) AsyncUdpSocketSendTimeoutError, AsyncUdpSocketReceiveTimeoutError }; @interface AsyncUdpSocket : NSObject { CFSocketRef theSocket4; // IPv4 socket CFSocketRef theSocket6; // IPv6 socket CFRunLoopSourceRef theSource4; // For theSocket4 CFRunLoopSourceRef theSource6; // For theSocket6 CFRunLoopRef theRunLoop; CFSocketContext theContext; NSArray *theRunLoopModes; NSMutableArray *theSendQueue; AsyncSendPacket *theCurrentSend; NSTimer *theSendTimer; NSMutableArray *theReceiveQueue; AsyncReceivePacket *theCurrentReceive; NSTimer *theReceiveTimer; id theDelegate; UInt16 theFlags; long theUserData; NSString *cachedLocalHost; UInt16 cachedLocalPort; NSString *cachedConnectedHost; UInt16 cachedConnectedPort; UInt32 maxReceiveBufferSize; } /** * Creates new instances of AsyncUdpSocket. **/ - (id)init; - (id)initWithDelegate:(id)delegate; - (id)initWithDelegate:(id)delegate userData:(long)userData; /** * Creates new instances of AsyncUdpSocket that support only IPv4 or IPv6. * The other init methods will support both, unless specifically binded or connected to one protocol. * If you know you'll only be using one protocol, these init methods may be a bit more efficient. **/ - (id)initIPv4; - (id)initIPv6; - (id)delegate; - (void)setDelegate:(id)delegate; - (long)userData; - (void)setUserData:(long)userData; /** * Returns the local address info for the socket. * * Note: Address info may not be available until after the socket has been bind'ed, * or until after data has been sent. **/ - (NSString *)localHost; - (UInt16)localPort; /** * Returns the remote address info for the socket. * * Note: Since UDP is connectionless by design, connected address info * will not be available unless the socket is explicitly connected to a remote host/port **/ - (NSString *)connectedHost; - (UInt16)connectedPort; /** * Returns whether or not this socket has been connected to a single host. * By design, UDP is a connectionless protocol, and connecting is not needed. * If connected, the socket will only be able to send/receive data to/from the connected host. **/ - (BOOL)isConnected; /** * Returns whether or not this socket has been closed. * The only way a socket can be closed is if you explicitly call one of the close methods. **/ - (BOOL)isClosed; /** * Returns whether or not this socket supports IPv4. * By default this will be true, unless the socket is specifically initialized as IPv6 only, * or is binded or connected to an IPv6 address. **/ - (BOOL)isIPv4; /** * Returns whether or not this socket supports IPv6. * By default this will be true, unless the socket is specifically initialized as IPv4 only, * or is binded or connected to an IPv4 address. * * This method will also return false on platforms that do not support IPv6. * Note: The iPhone does not currently support IPv6. **/ - (BOOL)isIPv6; /** * Returns the mtu of the socket. * If unknown, returns zero. * * Sending data larger than this may result in an error. * This is an advanced topic, and one should understand the wide range of mtu's on networks and the internet. * Therefore this method is only for reference and may be of little use in many situations. **/ - (unsigned int)maximumTransmissionUnit; /** * Binds the UDP socket to the given port and optional address. * Binding should be done for server sockets that receive data prior to sending it. * Client sockets can skip binding, * as the OS will automatically assign the socket an available port when it starts sending data. * * You cannot bind a socket after its been connected. * You can only bind a socket once. * You can still connect a socket (if desired) after binding. * * On success, returns YES. * Otherwise returns NO, and sets errPtr. If you don't care about the error, you can pass nil for errPtr. **/ - (BOOL)bindToPort:(UInt16)port error:(NSError **)errPtr; - (BOOL)bindToAddress:(NSString *)localAddr port:(UInt16)port error:(NSError **)errPtr; /** * Connects the UDP socket to the given host and port. * By design, UDP is a connectionless protocol, and connecting is not needed. * * Choosing to connect to a specific host/port has the following effect: * - You will only be able to send data to the connected host/port. * - You will only be able to receive data from the connected host/port. * - You will receive ICMP messages that come from the connected host/port, such as "connection refused". * * Connecting a UDP socket does not result in any communication on the socket. * It simply changes the internal state of the socket. * * You cannot bind a socket after its been connected. * You can only connect a socket once. * * On success, returns YES. * Otherwise returns NO, and sets errPtr. If you don't care about the error, you can pass nil for errPtr. **/ - (BOOL)connectToHost:(NSString *)host onPort:(UInt16)port error:(NSError **)errPtr; - (BOOL)connectToAddress:(NSData *)remoteAddr error:(NSError **)errPtr; /** * Join multicast group * * Group should be an IP address (eg @"") **/ - (BOOL)joinMulticastGroup:(NSString *)group error:(NSError **)errPtr; - (BOOL)joinMulticastGroup:(NSString *)group withAddress:(NSString *)interface error:(NSError **)errPtr; /** * By default, the underlying socket in the OS will not allow you to send broadcast messages. * In order to send broadcast messages, you need to enable this functionality in the socket. * * A broadcast is a UDP message to addresses like "" or "" that is * delivered to every host on the network. * The reason this is generally disabled by default is to prevent * accidental broadcast messages from flooding the network. **/ - (BOOL)enableBroadcast:(BOOL)flag error:(NSError **)errPtr; /** * Asynchronously sends the given data, with the given timeout and tag. * * This method may only be used with a connected socket. * * If data is nil or zero-length, this method does nothing and immediately returns NO. * If the socket is not connected, this method does nothing and immediately returns NO. **/ - (BOOL)sendData:(NSData *)data withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout tag:(long)tag; /** * Asynchronously sends the given data, with the given timeout and tag, to the given host and port. * * This method cannot be used with a connected socket. * * If data is nil or zero-length, this method does nothing and immediately returns NO. * If the socket is connected, this method does nothing and immediately returns NO. * If unable to resolve host to a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address, this method returns NO. **/ - (BOOL)sendData:(NSData *)data toHost:(NSString *)host port:(UInt16)port withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout tag:(long)tag; /** * Asynchronously sends the given data, with the given timeout and tag, to the given address. * * This method cannot be used with a connected socket. * * If data is nil or zero-length, this method does nothing and immediately returns NO. * If the socket is connected, this method does nothing and immediately returns NO. **/ - (BOOL)sendData:(NSData *)data toAddress:(NSData *)remoteAddr withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout tag:(long)tag; /** * Asynchronously receives a single datagram packet. * * If the receive succeeds, the onUdpSocket:didReceiveData:fromHost:port:tag delegate method will be called. * Otherwise, a timeout will occur, and the onUdpSocket:didNotReceiveDataWithTag: delegate method will be called. **/ - (void)receiveWithTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout tag:(long)tag; /** * Closes the socket immediately. Any pending send or receive operations are dropped. **/ - (void)close; /** * Closes after all pending send operations have completed. * After calling this, the sendData: and receive: methods will do nothing. * In other words, you won't be able to add any more send or receive operations to the queue. * The socket will close even if there are still pending receive operations. **/ - (void)closeAfterSending; /** * Closes after all pending receive operations have completed. * After calling this, the sendData: and receive: methods will do nothing. * In other words, you won't be able to add any more send or receive operations to the queue. * The socket will close even if there are still pending send operations. **/ - (void)closeAfterReceiving; /** * Closes after all pending send and receive operations have completed. * After calling this, the sendData: and receive: methods will do nothing. * In other words, you won't be able to add any more send or receive operations to the queue. **/ - (void)closeAfterSendingAndReceiving; /** * Gets/Sets the maximum size of the buffer that will be allocated for receive operations. * The default size is 9216 bytes. * * The theoretical maximum size of any IPv4 UDP packet is UINT16_MAX = 65535. * The theoretical maximum size of any IPv6 UDP packet is UINT32_MAX = 4294967295. * * In practice, however, the size of UDP packets will be much smaller. * Indeed most protocols will send and receive packets of only a few bytes, * or will set a limit on the size of packets to prevent fragmentation in the IP layer. * * If you set the buffer size too small, the sockets API in the OS will silently discard * any extra data, and you will not be notified of the error. **/ - (UInt32)maxReceiveBufferSize; - (void)setMaxReceiveBufferSize:(UInt32)max; /** * When you create an AsyncUdpSocket, it is added to the runloop of the current thread. * So it is easiest to simply create the socket on the thread you intend to use it. * * If, however, you need to move the socket to a separate thread at a later time, this * method may be used to accomplish the task. * * This method must be called from the thread/runloop the socket is currently running on. * * Note: After calling this method, all further method calls to this object should be done from the given runloop. * Also, all delegate calls will be sent on the given runloop. **/ - (BOOL)moveToRunLoop:(NSRunLoop *)runLoop; /** * Allows you to configure which run loop modes the socket uses. * The default set of run loop modes is NSDefaultRunLoopMode. * * If you'd like your socket to continue operation during other modes, you may want to add modes such as * NSModalPanelRunLoopMode or NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode. Or you may simply want to use NSRunLoopCommonModes. * * Note: NSRunLoopCommonModes is defined in 10.5. For previous versions one can use kCFRunLoopCommonModes. **/ - (BOOL)setRunLoopModes:(NSArray *)runLoopModes; /** * Returns the current run loop modes the AsyncSocket instance is operating in. * The default set of run loop modes is NSDefaultRunLoopMode. **/ - (NSArray *)runLoopModes; @end //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #pragma mark - //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @protocol AsyncUdpSocketDelegate @optional /** * Called when the datagram with the given tag has been sent. **/ - (void)onUdpSocket:(AsyncUdpSocket *)sock didSendDataWithTag:(long)tag; /** * Called if an error occurs while trying to send a datagram. * This could be due to a timeout, or something more serious such as the data being too large to fit in a sigle packet. **/ - (void)onUdpSocket:(AsyncUdpSocket *)sock didNotSendDataWithTag:(long)tag dueToError:(NSError *)error; /** * Called when the socket has received the requested datagram. * * Due to the nature of UDP, you may occasionally receive undesired packets. * These may be rogue UDP packets from unknown hosts, * or they may be delayed packets arriving after retransmissions have already occurred. * It's important these packets are properly ignored, while not interfering with the flow of your implementation. * As an aid, this delegate method has a boolean return value. * If you ever need to ignore a received packet, simply return NO, * and AsyncUdpSocket will continue as if the packet never arrived. * That is, the original receive request will still be queued, and will still timeout as usual if a timeout was set. * For example, say you requested to receive data, and you set a timeout of 500 milliseconds, using a tag of 15. * If rogue data arrives after 250 milliseconds, this delegate method would be invoked, and you could simply return NO. * If the expected data then arrives within the next 250 milliseconds, * this delegate method will be invoked, with a tag of 15, just as if the rogue data never appeared. * * Under normal circumstances, you simply return YES from this method. **/ - (BOOL)onUdpSocket:(AsyncUdpSocket *)sock didReceiveData:(NSData *)data withTag:(long)tag fromHost:(NSString *)host port:(UInt16)port; /** * Called if an error occurs while trying to receive a requested datagram. * This is generally due to a timeout, but could potentially be something else if some kind of OS error occurred. **/ - (void)onUdpSocket:(AsyncUdpSocket *)sock didNotReceiveDataWithTag:(long)tag dueToError:(NSError *)error; /** * Called when the socket is closed. * A socket is only closed if you explicitly call one of the close methods. **/ - (void)onUdpSocketDidClose:(AsyncUdpSocket *)sock; @end